WealthPlan™ - Index

Full List of Year One Action Items

In the event you've had any issues with monthly action item delivery via text, please find below an index of all year one updates:

1. WealthPlan™ action item and memo here: https://rles.tv/wp1

2. Market is closed and there are still double-digit returns on small deposits to be made - WealthPlan™ memo month two: https://rles.tv/wp2

3. No better time than now to start building your investment thesis with a checklist - WealthPlan™ memo month three: https://rles.tv/wp3

4. Bitcoin's price target of $1m - WealthPlan™ memo month four: https://rles.tv/wp4

5. Time to get serious about a higher credit score - WealthPlan™ memo month five: https://rles.tv/wp5

6. Aim high and shoot for $100k in available credit over time - WealthPlan™ memo month six: https://rles.tv/wp6

7. Build Credit by Paying Yourself - WealthPlan™ memo month seven: https://rles.tv/wp7

8. Give Your Future Self a Raise - WealthPlan™ memo month eight: https://rles.tv/wp8

9. Be a Real Estate Investor - WealthPlan™ memo month nine: https://rles.tv/wp9

10. Be Rational vs Emotional - WealthPlan memo month ten: https://rles.tv/wp10

11. Check In Daily to Save More - WealthPlan memo month eleven: https://rles.tv/wp11

12. Max Out Your Retirement Savings with an IRA - WealthPlan memo month twelve: https://rles.tv/wp12